Robot Control Library
* @file rc_altitude.c
* @example rc_altitude
* This serves as an example of how to read the barometer and IMU together to
* estimate altitude
* @author James Strawson
* @date 3/14/2018
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <math.h> // for M_PI
#include <rc/math/kalman.h>
#include <rc/math/filter.h>
#include <rc/time.h>
#include <rc/bmp.h>
#include <rc/mpu.h>
#define Nx 3
#define Ny 1
#define Nu 1
#define SAMPLE_RATE 200 // hz
#define DT (1.0/SAMPLE_RATE)
#define ACCEL_LP_TC 20*DT // fast LP filter for accel
#define PRINT_HZ 10
#define BMP_RATE_DIV 10 // optionally sample bmp less frequently than mpu
static int running = 0;
static rc_mpu_data_t mpu_data;
static rc_bmp_data_t bmp_data;
// interrupt handler to catch ctrl-c
static void __signal_handler(__attribute__ ((unused)) int dummy)
static void __dmp_handler(void)
int i;
double accel_vec[3];
static int bmp_sample_counter = 0;
// make copy of acceleration reading before rotating
for(i=0;i<3;i++) accel_vec[i]=mpu_data.accel[i];
// rotate accel vector
// do first-run filter setup
kf.x_est.d[0] = bmp_data.alt_m;
rc_filter_prefill_inputs(&acc_lp, accel_vec[2]-9.80665);
rc_filter_prefill_outputs(&acc_lp, accel_vec[2]-9.80665);
// calculate acceleration and smooth it just a tad
rc_filter_march(&acc_lp, accel_vec[2]-9.80665);
u.d[0] = acc_lp.newest_output;
// don't bother filtering Barometer, kalman will deal with that
y.d[0] = bmp_data.alt_m;
if(rc_kalman_update_lin(&kf, u, y)) running=0;
// now check if we need to sample BMP this loop
// perform the i2c reads to the sensor, on bad read just try later
if(rc_bmp_read(&bmp_data)) return;
int main(void)
rc_mpu_config_t mpu_conf;
// allocate appropirate memory for system
rc_matrix_zeros(&F, Nx, Nx);
rc_matrix_zeros(&G, Nx, Nu);
rc_matrix_zeros(&H, Ny, Nx);
rc_matrix_zeros(&Q, Nx, Nx);
rc_matrix_zeros(&R, Ny, Ny);
rc_matrix_zeros(&Pi, Nx, Nx);
rc_vector_zeros(&u, Nu);
rc_vector_zeros(&y, Ny);
// define system -DT; // accel bias
F.d[0][0] = 1.0;
F.d[0][1] = DT;
F.d[0][2] = 0.0;
F.d[1][0] = 0.0;
F.d[1][1] = 1.0;
F.d[1][2] = -DT; // subtract accel bias
F.d[2][0] = 0.0;
F.d[2][1] = 0.0;
F.d[2][2] = 1.0; // accel bias state
G.d[0][0] = 0.5*DT*DT;
G.d[0][1] = DT;
G.d[0][2] = 0.0;
H.d[0][0] = 1.0;
H.d[0][1] = 0.0;
H.d[0][2] = 0.0;
// covariance matrices
Q.d[0][0] = 0.000000001;
Q.d[1][1] = 0.000000001;
Q.d[2][2] = 0.0001; // don't want bias to change too quickly
R.d[0][0] = 1000000.0;
// initial P, cloned from converged P while running
Pi.d[0][0] = 1258.69;
Pi.d[0][1] = 158.6114;
Pi.d[0][2] = -9.9937;
Pi.d[1][0] = 158.6114;
Pi.d[1][1] = 29.9870;
Pi.d[1][2] = -2.5191;
Pi.d[2][0] = -9.9937;
Pi.d[2][1] = -2.5191;
Pi.d[2][2] = 0.3174;
// initialize the kalman filter
if(rc_kalman_alloc_lin(&kf,F,G,H,Q,R,Pi)==-1) return -1;
// initialize the little LP filter to take out accel noise
if(rc_filter_first_order_lowpass(&acc_lp, DT, ACCEL_LP_TC)) return -1;
// set signal handler so the loop can exit cleanly
signal(SIGINT, __signal_handler);
running = 1;
// init barometer and read in first data
printf("initializing barometer\n");
if(rc_bmp_read(&bmp_data)) return -1;
// init DMP
printf("initializing DMP\n");
mpu_conf = rc_mpu_default_config();
mpu_conf.dmp_sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE;
mpu_conf.dmp_fetch_accel_gyro = 1;
if(rc_mpu_initialize_dmp(&mpu_data, mpu_conf)) return -1;
// wait for dmp to settle then start filter callback
printf("waiting for sensors to settle");
// print a header
printf(" altitude |");
printf(" velocity |");
printf(" accel_bias |");
printf(" alt (bmp) |");
printf(" vert_accel |");
//now just wait, print_data will run
printf("%8.2fm |", kf.x_est.d[0]);
printf("%7.2fm/s |", kf.x_est.d[1]);
printf("%7.2fm/s^2|", kf.x_est.d[2]);
printf("%9.2fm |", bmp_data.alt_m);
printf("%7.2fm/s^2|", acc_lp.newest_output);
return 0;