Robot Control Library
API Modules
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12]
 All ModulesSingle header that includes all modules
 DeprecatedDeprecated functions and headers
 MathC routines for linear algebra, quaternions, and discrete time filters
 AlgebraAdvanced linear algebra functions
 SISO_FilterFunctions for generating and implementing discrete SISO filters
 KalmanKalman filter implementation
 MatrixFunctions for masic matrix manipulation
 Other_MathMath functions that don't fit elsewhere
 PolynomialFunctions for polynomial manipulation
 QuaternionFunctions for quaternion manipulation
 Ring_BufferRing buffer implementation for double-precision floats
 VectorFunctions for vector manipulation
 IOC interface for Linux userspace IO
 ADCC interface for the Linux IIO ADC driver
 GPIOC interface for the Linux GPIO driver
 I2CC interface for the the Linux I2C driver
 PinmuxC interface for the Sitara pinmux helper driver
 PWMC interface for the Sitara PWM driver
 SPIGeneral purpose C interface to the Linux SPI driver
 UARTC interface for the Linux UART driver
 MavlinkSimplified C interface for sending/receiving mavlink packets through UDP
 Mavlink_UDPCommunicate with mavlink over UDP networking
 Mavlink_HelpersHelper functions for the most common mavlink packets
 Quadrature_EncoderFunctions for reading quadrature encoders
 EncoderC interface for quadrature encoder counting
 Encoder_EQEPC interface for the Sitara eQEP encoder counter
 Encoder_PRUFunctions for reading the PRU-accelerated quadrature encoder counter
 Barometer_BMPInterface to the BMP280 barometer
 ButtonHandle generic GPIO buttons
 CPUControl CPU scaling governer
 DSMDSM2 and DSMX radio interface
 LEDControl the LEDs on Robotics Cape and BeagleBone Blue
 ModelDetermine the model of board currently being used
 MotorControl 4 DC motor Channels
 IMU_MPUA userspace C interface for the invensense MPU6050, MPU6500, MPU9150, and MPU9250
 PRUStart and stop the PRU from userspace
 PthreadManage pthreads and process niceness
 ServoControl Servos and Brushless Motor Controllers
 Start_stopCleanly start and stop a process, signal handling, program flow
 TimeSleep and timing functions
 VersionMacros and functions for getting the current version of librobotcontrol