Next-gen pocket-size single-board computer! PocketBeagle 2 is an upgraded version of the popular PocketBeagle, designed as an ultra-compact, low-cost, and powerful single-board computer (SBC). Targeted at developers, students, and hobbyists, PocketBeagle 2 retains the simplicity and flexibility of its predecessor while delivering enhanced performance and expanded features to support modern development needs. PocketBeagle 2 is […]
In an industry-popular business-card-sized form-factor, BeagleY-AI brings open source hardware, real-time microcontrollers, and 4 TOPS in a fanless design.
Linux computing made simple and affordable. Integrated advance networking features like long-range, low-power wireless and single-pair Ethernet. Designed to work seemlessly with BeagleConnect Freedom. Start innovating today.
A complete 64-bit AI and Machine Learning System with the convenience and expandability of the BeagleBone® platform with the peripherals on board to get started right away learning and building applications.
1GHz Single-Board Linux Computer based on ARM Cortex-A8 with PRU microcontrollers and tons of features like Ethernet and HDMI – credit card sized with over a decade of support, software and materials behind it making it ready for any application
Answer the need for an industrial rated single board computer with extended temperature range with the same functionality as the popular BeagleBone Black®
Virtually eliminate low-level software development for IoT and IIoT applications using the power of Linux. Implement long-range, low-power wireless Sub-1GHz and 2.4GHz wireless device adding hundreds of features from the mikroBUS Click collection.
New BeagleV-Fire features FPGA and RISC-V CPU and is available now around $150. Credit-card sized, Linux-enabled board based on Microchip Polarfire SoC offers high-speed I/O with BeagleBone cape compatible headers and SYZYGY and M.2 connectors.
BeagleV®-Ahead Enabling the future of open source BeagleV®-Ahead is an open-source RISC-V single board computer (SBC) with BeagleBone Black cape header pins allowing you to stack your favorite BeagleBone cape on top to expand it’s capability. Featuring a powerful quad-core RISC-V processor, BeagleV®-Ahead is designed as an affordable RISC-V enabled pocket-size computer for anybody who […]