Meet BeagleBone Black Wireless, the newest board in the BeagleBone family

Replacing the 10/100 Ethernet port with onboard 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth, the popular open source BeagleBone™ Black computer now comes with built-in wireless networking capability.  Based on the extremely successful open-source BeagleBone™ Black hardware design, BeagleBone™ Black Wireless is a high-expansion, maker-focused, community-supported open hardware computer created by the Foundation. Leveraging a […]

First steps with the HC-05 on the BeagleBone Black

Simple serial-based Bluetooth client connection on #BeagleBoneBlack From: Wireless communication between an embedded device and PC or smartphone is easily accomplished using the HC-05 bluetooth module. The BeagleBone is a great tool to explore the features of it and one can even settle with bluetooth in his final application. Enabling the UART5 I decided […]