BeagleBone Laundry Notification Texter


This project on Digi-Key aims to make domestic life a bit easier: How to Make a BeagleBone-Based Appliance Notification Texter Once a washer or dryer cycle has started, users have to wait up to an hour for them to finish their cycles. Too often, they forget to check in on the appliances so wet clothes sit […]

Beagle Entertainment System Cartridge Console


Fresh off his PhD dissertation, Andrew Henderson decided turn his Beagle Entertainment System (BES) into a tiny SNES cartridge console! Beagle Entertainment System Cartridge Console The Beagle Entertainment System (BES) is a suite of emulators with a GUI front-end that makes retrogaming on the BeagleBone Black simple and straightforward. It provides two SNES controller ports that use a […]

Motor Speed Control using BeagleBone PRU


Greg Raven created this motor speed controller based on a Texas Instruments demonstration project.  His implementation uses RemoteProc and RPMsg framework to connect the PRUs (Programmable Real-time Units) to Linux userspace.  The PRUs are 32-bit RISC processors which offload real-time tasks from Linux running on the ARM processor. The system implements a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller. The controlled […]

Blinking a LED with Rust


Rust is a systems programming language that is quickly growing in popularity.  Christopher Woodall chose Rust to develop a drink making robot powered by BeagleBone Green Wireless: Rusty Nail Christopher has written development notes about using Rust on BeagleBone: Setting up a BeagleBone with Rust We will use rustup which is a rust toolchain installer similar to rvm or […]

PRU Interface to ADC using RemoteProc and RPMsg


Greg R recently posted on the mailing list about a BeagleBone Green project that he’s been working on: PRU Interface to ADC using RemoteProc and RPMsg The project is hosted on GitHub:  Greg-R/pruadc1 The goal of this project is to perform real-time digitization of an analog audio waveform, and then to make the digital data-stream […]

BeagleBone projects by Adam Vadala-Roth


@Adam Vadala-Roth has created a couple BeagleBone projects that others may find useful: Beaglebone Black and Breadboard Plate A 3D printable plate that holds a Beaglebone black compatible board and a breadboard together side by side. Vintage Parallax Robot Restoration Got a neat little Parallax robot from a friend of a friend who passed away. […]

​How to Connect a BeagleBone Black to the Internet Using USB


Christopher Rush describes an alternative way to get a BeagleBone online: How to Connect a BeagleBone Black to the Internet Using USB I was able to use my wireless internet on my laptop computer and share this with the BeagleBone with only a few steps. Connecting your BeagleBone Black to the Internet without any physical network […]

Open Hardware Summit 2016


Slides from Jason Kridner’s talk at Open Hardware Summit 2016 last Friday in Portland: OHS2016_JasonKridner.pdf [PDF] Recorded video stream of Open Hardware Summit:

BeagleBone Black Wireless winners from Maker Faire NY giveaway


Congratulations to the winners of the BeagleBone Black Wireless Maker Faire New York Giveaway! Boards are entering production now and should ship in November. Winners should expect to be contacted separately for their shipping address. Carsten Sewing Sam Brenner David Ryskalczyk Alice Lai Jenny Lin Laura Schroeder William Crean Dean Notarnicola Dave Crawford Jim Carlson […]

Meet BeagleBone Black Wireless, the newest board in the BeagleBone family


Replacing the 10/100 Ethernet port with onboard 802.11 b/g/n 2.4GHz WiFi and Bluetooth, the popular open source BeagleBone™ Black computer now comes with built-in wireless networking capability.  Based on the extremely successful open-source BeagleBone™ Black hardware design, BeagleBone™ Black Wireless is a high-expansion, maker-focused, community-supported open hardware computer created by the Foundation. Leveraging a […]