Fresh Debian 9.5 images


What’s new? * Fixes for zero-install drivers on Windows 10 * Updated Windows driver signatures (in case the zero-install drivers don’t load) * Updated Chromium (fixes) * Updated node-red (fixes, blockly) * Updated bone101 (fixes) * Updated BoneScript (fixes and deprecation of non-node-style callbacks) * Updated librobotcontrol (fixes) * Updated kernel (4.14.71-ti-r80) * Updated bootloader […]

Using BeagleBone Blue to build an Autopilot Robot (part 1) – Circuit Cellar article


Hi folks! My name is Pedro Bertoleti and I’m a software engineer from Brazil. The October issue of Circuit Cellar’s magazine came out yesterday (9/18/2018), and I’ve written one of the articles of this issue (Title: “Building an Autopilot Robot (part 1)”, page 16). This article shows the groundwork for reliable  speed estimation based in […]

Educator Highlight: Steven F. Barrett, Author, Embedded Systems Educator and Beagle Lover


Steven F. Barrett, professor of ECE and Associate Dean for Academic Programs at the University of Wyoming has been writing educational journal articles and textbooks for use in microcontroller and embedded systems courses for over 13 years.  A prolific and inspired writer, Dr Barrett has written 12 books using many different microcontroller architectures including AVR, HC12/S12, and […]

GSoC 2018 Brings Students and® Mentors Together


This summer, three students successfully completed  Google Summer of Code 2018 (GSoC) projects mentored by®. GSoC, sponsored by Google, is a global program in it’s thirteenth year, focused on bringing more student developers into open source software development during a 3 month programming project. GSoC provides a way for® to identify and bring in […]

Great Teaching Ideas Can Recieve a Lab of® PocketBeagle® Boards

Uncategorized® Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is announcing a new program as part of our continued commitment to education in the use of open-source software and hardware. Educators in schools can apply for the opportunity to receive up to 30 PocketBeagle® boards from the® Foundation. The donation of the boards will further project development in the classroom or makerspace. To participate in […]

Join® at World Maker Faire in New York, Sept 21-23

Uncategorized® is a sponsor of World Maker Faire® 2018 in the New York Hall of Science. We will be hosting talks and demos. Stay tuned to this page as the schedule develops for updated times and locations: Friday, Sept 21, 2018 10:00am – 4:00pm : Education Forum “Making the Future of Work: Make Education Forum” […]

Educator Highlight: Mark Yoder, Trailblazer in Teaching Embedded Linux


It came naturally to Dr Yoder to want to bring the new concept of Open Source Embedded Linux Computing to his students using the BeagleBoard®

It came naturally to Dr Yoder to want to bring the new concept of Open Source Embedded Linux Computing to his students using the BeagleBoard®

Revolve at Midwest RepRap Fest


Brian Benchoff writes on the Hackaday blog: Turning The Beaglebone On A Chip Into A 3D Printer Controller It’s understood that 3D printers and CNC machines need to control motors, but there are a few other niceties that are always good to have. It would be great if the controller board ran Linux, had support for […]

Embedded Apprentice Linux Engineer (E-ALE)


Embedded Apprentice Linux Engineer (E-ALE) is a series of 9 seminars over 3 days at existing Embedded Linux conferences: Are you an Embedded Engineer who is transitioning to using Linux? Attend seminars on how to start with using Linux for Embedded Applications. The Embedded Apprentice Linux Engineer program provides a place at existing Embedded conferences […]

Ken Shirriff goes hands-on with the PocketBeagle


Ken Shirriff has written an excellent in-depth look at the PocketBeagle: Hands-on with the PocketBeagle: A $25 Linux Computer The PocketBeagle is a tiny but powerful inexpensive key-fob-sized open source Linux computer. It has 44 digital I/O pins, 8 analog inputs, and supports multiple serial I/O protocols, making it very useful as a controller. In […]