This Week in Beagle #16


Hello everyone. This was a light week since I had college exams. Let’s go over everything. PocketBeagle 2 Examples I have been working on Rust examples for PocketBeagle 2 as evident from my past posts. However, a lot of examples ended up being more complicated than they should be, specially for new users. Additionally, Rust […]

This Week in Beagle #15


Hello everyone. Another typical week. Let’s go over everything. BeagleBoard Image Builder After much deliberation last week, I decided to go ahead with trying to use debos for image generation. I was able to create debos recipes for BeagleY-AI and PocketBeagle 2. However, the image generated by debos does not seem to boot on either […]

This Week in Beagle #14


Hello everyone. I ended up experimenting more than getting results, so not much to write. Let’s go over everything. PocketBeagle 2 Examples Continuing the work from last week, more PocketBeagle 2 examples have been added. Feel free to create issues regarding the examples you would like to be added. Button Simple example to detect button […]

This Week in Beagle #13


Hello everyone. Since PocketBeagle 2 has launched, most of the development was focused on it. Let’s go over everything. Enable Greybus BeaglePlay driver in defconfig As per suggestion of Nishanth Menon, I have added gb_beagleplay to the defconfig. Here is the latest version of the patch. Export Symbols RFC As alluded to in my prior […]

This Week in Beagle #10


Hello everyone. A typical week for development. Let’s go over everything. BeagleBoard Rust Imager Pocketbeagle2 MSPM0 support Pocketbeagle2 uses MSPM0 as both EEPROM and ADC. The EEPROM is used to store board-specific information in all BeagleBoard boards for easier debugging and differentiation of different revisions. While the pb2_mspm0 driver supports updating firmware, it isn’t suitable […]

This Week in Beagle #8


Hello everyone. I have been traveling for the last few weeks due to some family functions. Additionally, I was primarily working on Pocketbeagle2 stuff, which wasn’t public yet, so I also lacked content. Now that Pocketbeagle2 has been announced, I can start talking about it. So, let’s get to it. Pocketbeagle2 MSPM0 Driver In Pocketbeagle2, […]

This Week in Beagle #7


Hello everyone. I was busy with the Linux kernel for most of the week. Let’s go over everything. MicroBlocks Updates MicroBlocks dev branch recently broke the MicroBlocks Zephyr Port. I sent a patch to the Discord channel, and it has been fixed. Devicetree Compiler A lot of work this week was focused on the device […]

This Week in Beagle #4


Hello everyone. Another light week here. Let’s go over everything. BeagleBoard Rust Imager Continuing the trend from previous weeks, many developments took place in BeagleBoard Rust Imager. MacOS Thanks to help from Zain, BeagleBoard Rust Imager SD card flashing finally works on MacOS. With this, it is now possible to flash Linux images to an […]

BeagleY-AI: Easy AI for Everyone


Computers are the primary driver of technology and Foundation is bringing back the open nature of early computers with BeagleY®-AI, a move critical to innovation, business and education. BeagleY®-AI is about the size of a business card and is compatible with popular accessories, add-on hardware and enclosures available for similar sized computers, but it […]

Device Tree: Supporting Similar Boards – The BeagleBone Example


Most of the BeagleBone boards from share the same form factor, have the same headers and therefore can accept the same extension boards, also known as capes in the BeagleBoard world. Of course, a careful PCB design was necessary to make this possible. This must have been relatively easy with the early models (BeagleBone […]