This Week in Beagle ROUND-UP: November/December ’24


“This Week in Beagle” is a weekly blog series by’s own Ayush Singh that highlights significant contributions he and others are making in the open-source community. In November/December, Ayush and other community members teamed up on advances in: November 11th: Rust Imager Upgrades and Devicetree Nexus Node Schemas and Dynamic Aliasing Novembert 18th: Devicetree […]

BeagleY-AI: Easy AI for Everyone


Computers are the primary driver of technology and Foundation is bringing back the open nature of early computers with BeagleY®-AI, a move critical to innovation, business and education. BeagleY®-AI is about the size of a business card and is compatible with popular accessories, add-on hardware and enclosures available for similar sized computers, but it […]