Categories: Beginner
Hello and Okay,
Seth here. I wanted to use this older model board that I thought could handle some power. It could and it still can. It is the SaberTooth 2 x 12. I linked the SaberTooth 2 x 12 in the beginning if you are interested.
I have a BeagleBone Green Wireless and Motor Bridge Cape attached. I am using UART2 on the BBGW via the Motor Bridge Cape header, i.e. P9_21.
I used this command:
sudo config-pin P9.21 uart
To write a .sh file to /usr/bin/, use your favorite editor. Then, type this in your .sh file:
sudo config-pin P9.21 uart
Next…we need to start a service at /etc/systemd/system/yourfile.service.
Description=Starting Config-Pin on Boot
This basically opens my UART2 "pins" on the BBGW and b/c those header pins are not used by the Motor Bridge Cape, I was able to use them to make some much needed connections to the SaberTooth 2 x 12 at this example:
BBGW: P9_21 to S1 :SaberTooth
BBGW: P8_02 to OV :SaberTooth
P8_02 on the BBGW is GND. 0V on the SaberTooth is just that, GND.
Now…I had to install via pip a "special" library from See below:
sudo pip install pysabertooth
That will build the software on your BBGW so you can use it.
Here is an odd video of the current prototype w/ some way-far-gone music. Enjoy!
The software is complicated to me for some reason. I never said once that I had a Master Degree in Programming. So, besides that one little flaw in me, I tried to program it anyway and see what would happen.
from pysabertooth import Sabertooth
saber = Sabertooth('/dev/tty.usbserial', baudrate=115200, address=128, timeout=0.1)
# drive(number, speed)
# number: 1-2
# speed: -100 - 100, 50), -75)
I am pretty sure that software is the given software from their site which is located at
Above, in the software snippet, where it shows on line three that "/dev/tty.usbserial", use your UART combo of pins to communicate instead of USB since you are using the SaberTooth 2 x 12. This board, to my knowledge, does not carry USB tech. on it. At least, my version, V 1.00, did not have a USB attachment to it.
If you are using UART2 like I am right now, the above line three where I was specifically describing in the software should read something like this idea:
saber = Sabertooth("/dev/ttyO2", baudrate=9600, address=128, timeout=0.1)
That should get you going w/ running some motors on the SaberTooth w/ the BBGW. So, after you get the UART2 location on your BBGW situated w/ the above section of software for line two of the example, use this software as another example:
from pysabertooth import Sabertooth
import time
saber = Sabertooth("/dev/ttyO2", baudrate=9600, address=128, timeout=0.1), 85), 85)
saber.stop(), -60), -60)
This will get your motors to work in both directions. Do not forget to use packetized serial for the Sabertooth. It is the number 1 & 2 switch on your switches and both need to go up for the 9600 baudrate!
You can find
to give many examples of OS/images to grab so you can start development.
P.S. If you want other software, please visit the
page in the attachments. Thank you for your time. Oh and this is a fact….please disable your service after changing files, reload the daemon, and then enable your service again.
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